Page not found (404)

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in touchofgold.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/filebrowser/browse
  2. admin/
  3. [name='home']
  4. about/ [name='about']
  5. api/getData/ [name='runSQLQuery']
  6. book/ [name='book']
  7. book_gold/ [name='book_gold']
  8. book_silver/ [name='book_silver']
  9. thankyou/ [name='thankyou']
  10. thankyoucontact/ [name='thankcontact']
  11. goldflipbook/ [name='goldflipbook']
  12. login/ [name='login']
  13. account/ [name='account']
  14. download/ [name='download']
  15. exhibitions/ [name='exhibitions']
  16. exhibitionsdetails/<int:id>/ [name='exhibitionsdetails']
  17. news/ [name='news']
  18. main/ [name='maintenancemode']
  19. shop/ [name='shop2']
  20. contactus/ [name='contact']
  21. subscribe/ [name='subscriber']
  22. savedata/ [name='register_gold']
  23. touchofsliver_latest/ [name='touchofsliver_serv']
  24. newsdetalis/<int:id>/ [name='newsdetalis']
  25. logout/ [name='logout']
  26. login_gold/ [name='login_gold']
  27. login_main/ [name='tog_tos_login']
  28. login_sliver/ [name='login_sliver']
  29. send_email/ [name='send_email']
  30. send_attachment/ [name='send_email_tos']
  31. flipbook/ [name='flipbook']
  32. sliver/ [name='touchofsliver']
  33. silveradd/ [name='subscriotionadd']
  34. goldadd/ [name='goldsubscription']
  35. extract/ [name='extractimagefrompdf']
  36. apk/togmedia.tog.apk [name='main']
  37. email_verification/<slug:token> [name='email_veriy_page']
  38. newsdetails2/ [name='newsdetails2']
  39. News/ [name='News1']
  40. Newsdetails/<int:id>/ [name='Newsdetails']
  41. tinymce/
  42. ^media/(?P<path>.*)$

The current path, category/publications/, didn’t match any of these.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.